It’s now been a year since I’ve published a blog about what’s going on in my mind. Over this time I’ve had lots of false starts, each time I’d start to write and then be overwhelmed with the thought “I really should get this one finished”. It was when this statement entered my mind, I put my laptop down and stepped away. How many times a day do you use the word “should”? If you’re like me the answer will be too many to count. In 2017 I was starting to question the engrained expectations I had of myself, and while it’s been a tad rocky at times (pausing to second guess a knee jerk reaction is bloody tough sometimes!) I think I’ve finally replaced the dreaded “should” with the far more exploratory “could”. So what? Why am I choosing this one word to break my proverbial blogging seal? Let me explain... That one word is so dictatorial, if any of these resonate with you it may be time to ask ourselves why...
Ok, those are just off the top of my head, I’m pretty sure you all have your own. It’s these sort of things I’ve been trying to catch mid-thought, and each time I’ve asked myself why. Not in a defensive way, more in a quizzical sense. Who has these expectations of us? In 2017 I discovered it was actually all me - I was telling myself all these things were essential structures for my life, purely because that’s what society has hinted at. Even scarier was the fact that when I pointed this out to some close friends, they were the same. We have all been doing what we think we “should” even in reality no one is really paying attention, in fact we’re all too busy worrying about our own shit, I mean should. When we replace should with could we allow a story to begin. "I could go to the gym, or I could stay home and binge watch my favourite show for an hour. Actually I think I want to go to the gym - I always feel so could after. Yeah, I choose to do that...then I’ll catch half an hour of Pretty Little Liars (don’t judge folks!) later tonight!" So, what’s the answer? I’m afraid I can’t cure it, but I can invite you to consider the above and spend a second thinking of the things you believe you “should” do. Perhaps then next time you’re about to pick up that duster/dumbbell or deprive yourself of that coffee/chapter, you could catch yourself and ask yourself why. You may be surprised at how many of the same things you still end up doing, but the change in mindset while doing them can be quite transformational. Trust me, I’ve LOVED the feeling of writing again now that I’m doing it without obligation - did I mention I’ve been doing so while on the cross trainer at the gym? Oh yeah, I rejoined in December after a year away, solely because I wanted to! ❤️ Have a fabulous day folks, Bu xx
BuCreator, baker & decision maker! Categories |